تصویر هدر واحد
  • Emprendimiento | Coworking | Academia

    EMPRENDEC is your go-to destination for coworking, professional development, and a purpose-driven experience, where innovation meets community in a dynamic space!

    Azuay 162 - 46 y Juan José Peña - Loja, Ecuador



Why Your Reviews Are Essential?

Your feedback means a lot to us! We'd really appreciate it if you could leave us a review using the form below to help us improve and serve you better! To make sure feedback is effective and to avoid spam, please log in with your username and password before leaving a review.

As a customer, your reviews are crucial because they help shape the experiences of others and ensure businesses stay accountable. By sharing your honest feedback, you’re not only guiding future customers in making informed decisions, but you’re also giving the business a chance to improve and recognize what’s working well. Your voice matters—whether it’s praising great service, highlighting areas for improvement, or offering suggestions—because businesses rely on real customer experiences to grow and evolve. In essence, your review helps create a better, more transparent marketplace for everyone.

  • EMPRENDEC Academy

    At Emprendec continuous and specialized training is key. Our schools offer robust education programs that prepare you for real-world challenges, making your entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Our specialized schools, including Leaders' School, Graphic Design, Marketing, and Agriculture, provide continuous, hands-on training to help you develop the skills needed to succeed.

  • Coworking and Offices

    Our coworking spaces are designed to foster collaboration and innovation. Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of our shared workspaces, private offices, and meeting rooms. Whether you're a freelancer, a small business, or a startup, Emprendec offers a productive and inspiring environment in which to work. We exist to support your growth and transform your community.

  • Innovation Labs

    At Emprendec, we thrive on creativity and forward-thinking. Our Innovation Labs provide the perfect environment to brainstorm, collaborate, and bring your ideas to life. Our consultancy services are tailored to help you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, ensuring your projects contribute to the sustainable development of communities and cities.
