Ecuadorians appreciate gringos who use Spanish
I've been living in Ecuador since 2019, and always there was a question in my mind! Why are so many gringos coming to Ecuador, and what does it mean for the future?
Well, I think the reason is simple. Many of my friends say they're moving because of inflation and the rising cost of living in America. But I think there are other reasons for this decision too. Travel magazines like International Living and various blogs are urging people to pack up and move from North America to Ecuador. These articles often highlight the economic benefits of living here. What many new arrivals don’t realize is that some of these writers stand to gain financially from the influx of gringos. They make money by selling tours, real estate, and more. They paint Ecuador as a place where you can live like royalty for next to nothing.
What Does It Mean for the Future?
The answer to this is more complex. What happens next depends on what we do after we arrive. Many gringos moved to Ecuador to enjoy retirement, appreciate the culture, and live a relaxed lifestyle. They feel welcome, and the affordable cost of living is a bonus.
However, some newcomers are here just because it’s cheap. They see it as an investment opportunity or a way to live more cheaply. I have seen gringos who arrive in Ecuador on a Monday with the determination to buy or invest quickly and fly back to the States by the end of the week. These people might not consider the differences in language, culture, food, driving, and even their way of thinking and planning.
Culture Shock
Many gringos experience culture shock and start by criticizing everything local. They often seek out other gringos for comfort. Some are surprised to learn that gringos don’t cluster together. Some of them have informal weekly social gatherings, but they don’t all live together. Some newcomers find cheap land and houses but are uncomfortable around Ecuadorians. They seek out other gringos for social events and comfort. Sociologists call this the need for familiar props.
Some maladjusted newcomers fly back home, or worse, talk about building walled communities, which we refer to as “gringo colonies.” They want to create a Little America. If Ecuador follows the example of gringo colonies in Mexico, Panama, and Costa Rica, there could be trouble. Conflicts between gringos and locals are already happening in some parts of Ecuador.
What’s Distressing Ecuadorians?
Ecuadorians don’t resent those who come to assimilate and call Ecuador home. They appreciate gringos who use Spanish, treat Ecuadorians as equals, and have local friends. However, they notice rapidly rising real estate prices because new gringos are eager to spend money, often dealing with opportunistic realtors and sellers. As Ecuadorians find it harder to buy property in their own country, hostility grows.
Then there are the well-meaning gringos who want to "help" the less fortunate. By overpaying, overtipping, and overhelping, they unintentionally disrupt the cultural and economic balance. These actions create unrealistic expectations among locals and foster the perception that gringos are rich and naive. We now see "gringo prices" alongside local costs.
Gringos, whether residents or tourists, also attract unwanted attention. Petty theft, home invasions, and aggressive street holdups have increased. Serious crime was rare in Ecuador until the gringo invasion began. Fairly or not, we get some of the blame.
Why Are You Here?
How long will Ecuador tolerate us before there is a major negative reaction? Thankfully, the answer is in our hands. We control our future in Ecuador by how we act now.