تصویر هدر واحد

    Legal advisers play a crucial role in helping clients navigate complex legal landscapes, ensuring their actions are lawful, and protecting their rights and interests.

    Bernardo Valdiviezo, between José Antonio Eguiguren and Colón.



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  • Family Law Services

    We provide expert legal counsel on family law matters, including divorce, alimony, custody, child support, travel permits, and dissolution of matrimonial unions, ensuring the protection of your rights.

  • Property Law Services

    Our property law services include drafting wills, managing horizontal property issues, handling inventories, facilitating purchases and sales, managing domain prescriptions, and establishing new boundaries.

  • Criminal Law Services

    We offer comprehensive criminal law services, encompassing pre-release procedures, processing freedom requests, expunging criminal records, and providing legal defense and representation in criminal cases.
