تصویر هدر واحد
  • Pizza Colibrì

    Delicious authentic Italian pizza in the South of Ecuador. You can have a slice, or buy a whole pizza. Whether for breakfast, snack, lunch, or dinner! it's time for a slice of pizza!

    Colón 160-50 between Bernardo Valdivieso and Olmedo - Loja, Ecuador



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As a customer, your reviews are crucial because they help shape the experiences of others and ensure businesses stay accountable. By sharing your honest feedback, you’re not only guiding future customers in making informed decisions, but you’re also giving the business a chance to improve and recognize what’s working well. Your voice matters—whether it’s praising great service, highlighting areas for improvement, or offering suggestions—because businesses rely on real customer experiences to grow and evolve. In essence, your review helps create a better, more transparent marketplace for everyone.

  • Thin-crust pizza

    Everyone is talking about Pizza Colibrì in Loja! Our fame has now reached the expat community in nearby Vilcabamba. We are doing thin-crust pizza, with top-end ovens, that create the perfect slice.

  • Trivia Night in Pizza Colibrì

    We invite you all to a trivia night in Pizza Colibrì. Free entry! Come, enjoy, and maybe even learn a few things! There will be 40 questions divided into 4 categories: geography, history, foods, and Loja.

  • New York Slice

    If you're a pizza lover or even a pizza purist, you will appreciate the excellent New York Slice of Margherita they make here. The price is very affordable. 1$ for a huge slice or a family-size pizza for just 10$.
